Constituent means part of a whole. The word comes up often in political contexts: constituents are the people politicians have been elected to represent. Elected officials should stay in touch with the needs of their constituents.
‘They are the main constituents of membranes outside cells and tiny metabolic organs inside every cell.’ ‘Perhaps contrary to expectations, I'm quite a fan of red meat: it appears to have been a constituent of the human diet for hundreds of thousands of years, and is therefore something we're …
A resident of a district or member of a group represented by an elected official. 3. One that authorizes another to act as a representative; a client. 4. A structural unit, such as a verb, noun phrase, or clause, in a a constituent element, material, etc.; component. a person who authorizes another to act in his or her behalf, as a voter in a district represented by an elected official. Grammar.
Given the left-headedness of branching constituents, it is the first portion of a target diphthong that would be expected to survive shortening. From the Cambridge English Corpus. Law, he contends that certain legal rules are necessar y constituents … Constituent N. Con`stit`u`ent Etymology: 1622 Middle French constituant 1: One who authorizes another to act as agent: principal 2: An essential part: component, element Examples of constituent in a sentence, how to use it. 99 examples: The recursive behavior of this finite state machine comes from the fact that… Dicționar dexonline. Definiții, sinonime, conjugări, declinări, paradigme pentru constituent din dicționarele: DEX '09, MDA2, DEX '98, DN, MDN '00, NODEX, DOOM 2 Constituent (linguistics), a word or a group of words that function as a single unit within a hierarchical structure. Solidified melted force, constructed consistency balanced conforms, furious truth furnaces gold, pure heart cannot be sold..
Cellular constituents that may be present in urine include leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells and sperm.Please also refer to the compilation table of cells that may be seen in the urine and the urinalysis atlas.Evaluation of cellular constituents requires concentration of urine in some way, most commonly done by centrifugation, but gravity sedimentation of urine within a microtiter
the With our powerful synonym search engine keep their constituents happy When city council members don't keep their constituents happy, often in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. community My interview experience essay dissertation in music definition slavery research Phrases to use in an essay, essay on role of constituent assembly in making of dissertation length. Essay on constituent assembly of india.
Constituent (Law) A person who appoints another to act for him as attorney in fact.; Constituent Having the power of electing or appointing. "A question of right arises between the constituent and representative body." Constituent One for whom another acts; especially, one who is represented by another in a legislative assembly; -- correlative to representative.
In politics[edit] · Electoral district or constituency · Constituent, an individual voter within an electoral district (constituency) · Advocacy group or constituency Apr 20, 2015 Video shows what constituent means. being a part, or component of a whole.
The daily mean intake of fruit, berries and vegetables (including a maximum of constituents for the calculation of nutrient composition of cooked foods.
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One that authorizes another to act as a representative; a client.
• They are a complex mixture of up to 80 percent hydrocarbons with smaller amounts of fatty acids, alkyl esters and other constituents. • It also put pressure on them to show their constituents some real action. Constituent entity means, with respect to any entity, (i) with respect to any limited partnership, (x) any general partner of such limited partnership and (y) any limited partner of such partnership which owns (or is owned by any person or entity owning, holding or controlling, directly or indirectly) the right to receive 50% or more of the income, distributable funds or losses of such
As constituents of the cytoskeleton, Cytoskeletal Proteins form a flexible cellular framework that provides attachment points for organelles and formed bodies and makes communication between cell parts possible. (Cytoskeletal Gene, NCI Thesaurus)
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• Magnesium and sodium are the main constituents of salt.
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1), and the length of the preposed constituent (short vs. long prefield, ex. *Today/At home she read paper.def (2) Idag/Hemma hos Maria läste hon tidningen.
Here you will learn the definition and properties of polymers, another name for Definition of Environmental Health Environmental health is the science and practice of preventing human injury and illness and promoting well-being by. Each term on this page is accompanied by a brief definition. Some terms include links to more comprehensive definition pages; these terms are written in blue Aug 27, 2020 Marital status; Marriage cohort; Marriage, Age at first; Married couple; Mean ( Average) income; Median income; Metropolitan-nonmetropolitan Constituent power is not only a Grenzbegriff but also a Kampfbegriff whose meaning is rooted within deeper disputes over the nature of legal, political and Anatman is the idea that there is no self; at least no self in the Hindu definition of the belief on the existence of the five constituents: the body, consciousness, Constituents – The residents of a congressional district or state. Reapportionment – The assigning by Congress of congressional seats after each census.
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1), and the length of the preposed constituent (short vs. long prefield, ex. *Today/At home she read paper.def (2) Idag/Hemma hos Maria läste hon tidningen.
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